New! Reconciliation Benedictine Crucifix with Miraculous medal, with stand

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Due to a recent discernment that we will be focusing on evangelization for the youth for 2019, we are constantly on the road but  we can build by order only.    Thus, we ask that you call us at (803) 526-8632 if you want us to build this beautiful sacramental  asap. 


Reconciliation Benedictine Crucifix  with Miraculous Medal 



The Reconciliation Crucifix is made of a light colored wood called White Maple and Ambrosia Maple.     The Celtic ring signifies the infinite love of the Heavenly Father to the sick.  

Giving the Reconciliation Crucifix is like continuing the healing ministry of Christ to the sick.  The Crucifix is a reminder of God’s love to us – the victory of Jesus on the cross. 

At the end of the day, nothing will comfort the sick person but their relationship with God.  The best thing you can leave with them is  a sacramental, not only packed with indulgences and protection, but a reminder that they are not alone but with Jesus and the Blessed Mother (Miraculous Medal).  

The wooden crucifix is an ordinary artifact to the world but it is made holy and extraordinary by our faith and love.  Thus, when you give a Cross of St. Benedict to the sick, you are not telling them that it is a nice “must-have” in their powerlessness but you are conveying that it is time to start living a real relationship with Jesus.  Do not be afraid.  "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)

It is a beautiful moment to be able to change our perception of suffering.  With compassion, we can empower the  sick to surrender their discomforts, pain, insecurities, loneliness, fears, and anxieties uniting their infirmities to His Divine will.  It is an ocean  of mercy for our loved ones.  And, it could be also an opportunity to show an act of faith to our Heavenly Father.  

About the  Wood and the Design of the Reconciliation Benedictine Crucifix



White Maple is used for the main cross.  Ambrosia Maple is used for the celtic ring.  Stunning and dramatic streaks in the wood characterizing the Ambrosia Maple has a wonderful fluky nature  story. 

Have you ever seen an Ambrosia beetle? It is an interesting critter.  Nobody knows why but when it is introduced to a non-native wood habitat, it resides  and colonizes the live trees.  It excavates a network of tunnels inside the wood.  The Ambrosia beetle works hard to grow its food garden and it carries its food around wherever it goes.   Just as some of us crave shitake mushrooms in our food cuisine, the Ambrosia beetle prefers fungi in its food garden.  Providing for its own nutrition, the Ambrosia beetle dislikes to  feed on wood keeping the lumber structurally sound.

As it manuevers around the burrows, the beetle carries two fungi behind its back.  One fungus he eats in the lair.  The second fungus the beetle leaves behind bringing into existence light brownish patterns which woodworkers prize for aesthetic visual enjoyment.

No two Ambrosia wood pieces are identical.  This is the choice of woodworkers to accomplish a distinct character for those who opt for one-of-a-kind wooden cross. The grain and character of the Ambrosia wood give a sense of excitement to our woodworkers as we relish the different layers , boldness, and contrasts   shining through in the smoothly finished surface of the cross.  Nature is truly fascinating as the maple wood captures the previous home and every turn of the journey of the Ambrosia beetle.

It is the same way in our relationship with the Heavenly Father, we move ahead in our journey trying to control the situation in our lives.  We aim to be self-sufficient and at the same time save something to carry in our journey.  Along the way, we meet challenges that sometimes stain our life.  Looking back we think of it as dark patterns, a streak of bad decisions, deliberate attempts to do our own will and many other trials.  But, in the eyes of our Heavenly Father, our life story is a stunning unique artwork, every turn and streak He has captured in His heart.  


Background of the Reconciliation Crucifix

A member of the Cross of St. Benedict society commissioned us to build a crucifix for her mother as she reaches a temporary stage in her life.  After a devastating fall at home, Mary Ann’s mother needed a safer environment for her healing where she will be surrounded by 24/7 monitoring. care and medical assistance.   

Coming to that decision left Mary Ann in a momentary state of emotional conflict.  Family decisions about the safety and needs of our elderly parents present a dilemma.   We desire a superior care for our parents.  And, we aim to be the daughter and son that would be there for them through thick and thin.   At the same time, the challenges of the economic reality, family situations,  and our physical capabilities limit our options.

 An emotional turmoil turned to a Divine inspiration, Mary Ann related to us the idea of presenting her mother with a cross that will not only symbolize hope but will actually protect her mother's stay  in the new residential facility. "I want a white cross that will be like an Easter cross. I like the blue enamel Benedictine medal and a Miraculous medal at the bottom.  A festive Easter Benedictine rosary on the cross would be great too! ", she said. 


We realized that the Holy Spirit is revealing an important message here.  The Reconciliation Crucifix  will  not only give hope to her mother. It is an expression of  victory  in the resurrection of Jesus.    If we cling to Him during the darkest moments of our lives, we can expect courage and strength that can only come from Him.  

At the same time, the Reconcilation Benedictine Crucifix is a great meditation on  the 5th Station of the Way of  the Cross:  Simon helps Jesus Carry the Cross. 

Simon of Cyrene was commissioned to take part in carrying the cross of Jesus.  At first reluctantly, he did so.  But by walking the road of Calvary alongside Jesus, he soon recognized who he was helping.  Jesus is the Son of God.

In the same way, when we take care of our elderly parents and provide for them, we are actually helping Jesus carry the cross. ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ (Matthew 25:45)

When Simon and Jesus reached the top of the mountain, Simon was then commanded to leave Jesus.  Simon fought to stay by Him.  However, the soldiers won’t let him.   In the Divine plan, the time has come where Jesus needed to complete His mission without Simon the Cyrene.

So much of our elderly loved ones are on this stage.   The family primary caregiver has  to let go in the physical sense, so to speak, so Jesus can complete His mission with  our elderly folks.    Our mother and father must now come to terms with their relationship with God and RECONCILE with Him.  Our elderly mom or dad  is a child of God, and that our Lord loves them more than we love them. 

Our role is to love them by our visits and daily prayers to help our elderly parents endure their cross and have hope in the Risen Savior. 




  • Wall and table display options (This  crucifix includes a   Heart-shaped Base Stand, color of wood is similar to the cross)
  • Exorcised salt inserted inside the cross. 
  • Made of exotic solid wood (see the article on the biblical references about wood and the cross)
  • Miraculous Medal is embedded at the bottom of the cross.
  • Perpetual Enrollment  in the Cross of St. Benedict Society, which means, your intentions are included in our daily celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours, Holy Masses and rosary. 
  • Certificate of Authencity papers with embossed stamp seal, identification to show that this is an original handcraftmanship of Oblate Patrick Campbell 
  • A prophecy scroll, that is, a  Scripture verse to inspire the recipient in their current state of life. 
  • Spiritual warfare kit included 
  • Sturdy  family heirloom that could be passed on from one generation to the next, re-finishing available at cost. 
  • Touched to the First Class Relic of the True Cross, thus the cross,  after purchased,  becomes a 3rd class relic.