Devil-Chasing St. Benedict Crucifix

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3.00 LBS
$15.00 (Fixed Shipping Cost)
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Due to a recent discernment that we will be focusing on evangelization for the youth for 2019, we are constantly on the road but  we can build by order only.    Thus, we ask that you call us at (803) 526-8632 if you want us to build this beautiful sacramental  asap. 

Devil-Chasing St. Benedict Crucifix (1 left)




Description Details: 

  • Perpetual Prayer enrollment included, your intentions will be included in our daily celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours, Holy Mass, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Adoration, Holy Rosary.

  • Exorcised salt included inside the cross.   

  • Made of solid wood. 

  • Two options for display:   wall  or table top 

  • Touched to the first class relic of the True Cross 

  • Approved Benedictine Blessing by a priest if requested prior to shipment 

  • Certificate of Authencity included.  

  • St. Benedict Medal embedded to have favor of the Church's partial  indulgences

Latest Feedback from Recent Buyers last month: 

"You guys rock... people should know about this. Send me more businesscards!"  Buyer from California

"The pictures of the cross in the website  cannot justify how beautiful it really looks when I received it!",  Buyer from Virginia

"I gave it to my son and he said he has never seen a cross as beautiful as this!", Buyer from Delaware

"This is my third order.  Your craftsmanship impressed me so much that I plan to buy more." 


Add the new products to your order. 

Benedictine Hearts for Couples ($50)

"Devil Flees"  Benedictine Hearts for Families  (1 pc)   ($35)

Madonna of the Cross Sacred Art Print, Pre-order ($25)





Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs) 


 Does this cross have exorcised salt inside? 


Yes, each of our crosses contain exorcised salt. Exorcised salt is a sacramental of the Church. When the Church asks publicly and authoritatively in the name of Jesus Christ that a person or object be protected against the power of the evil one and withdrawn from his dominion, it is called exorcism. Jesus performed exorcisms and from Him the Church has received the power and office of exorcising.

In the prayer of exorcising salt, God endows material elements with a supernatural power of protecting those who use them with faith against all the attacks of the enemy. Exorcised salt is used either in areas considered infected by demonic forces or for the protection of homes, buildings, and fields.

A hole is strategically drilled on top  of the crucifix and sealed with wax.

If a spiritual need arises, one simply punctures this seal to let out the exorcised salt. The following prayer is recommended:

 "I seal this {room or home } in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ our Savior, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."


Can I choose the type of wood for my St. Benedict Cross?


Yes. The available choices are maple, oak, birch, cherry, beechwood, bloodwood, mahogany, walnut, wenge, purple heart, bubinga.

How long does it take to build the St. Benedict Cross?

If your order is not in our inventory, we need about 7-14 days to make your cross.  However, this will be greatly delayed if in the month of your order we have scheduled talks and conferences.  


Can we buy the St. Benedict Cross in any Catholic Gift Shops in the US?


No. At the moment, it is only available online or by contacting us.

What do you mean the Cross of St. Benedict comes with a Certificate of Authenticity?

The product is an original design,  hand-crafted artwork by Oblate Patrick Campbell . Thus, no two crosses are alike. The Certificate of Authencity is a specialty paper that shows an identifiable unique code and number plate with the signature of Patrick Campbell, embossed stamp of our logo,  and the signature of the priest who blessed the cross with an Approved Benedictine Prayer. This information is recorded in our book.

Is the Crucifix Blessed Already By a Benedictine Priest?


No, we do not sell blessed items. If requested, the St. Benedict Cross will be brought to a holy priest who will pray a special Benedictine Blessing (with exorcism prayers) for the St. Benedict medal to gain favor of the indulgences.


How will the Cross of St. Benedict become a 3rd Class Relic?


After purchase, the Cross of St. Benedict will be touched to the FIRST CLASS RELIC of the TRUE CROSS in our Oratory.

What is perpetual prayer enrollment?


Our family consecrated our lives to pray for the healing of families.  Your specific prayer intentions will be recorded in our "Book of Life" notebook and we will include your petitions in our daily  celebration of the Liturgy of Hours, Holy Mass, Holy Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Adoration. Each purchase of the Cross of St. Benedict entitles you to a perpetual spiritual enrollment and the owner shares in the prayers of our community forever.


How long can our prayer intention be?


It can be as long as needed. We assign one or more community members to pray for the specific intentions in our Adoration time. We also include your intentions in our prayer book at the Legion of Mary in our parish. Email or mail us your specific prayer requests.



Your cross is gorgeous but I cannot afford it now. We heard that you accept payments?




Generous amount of the proceeds of your purchase go to our monastery, our parish home and a charitable Catholic and/or Christian organization or person who needs help.  

Those who cannot afford the full price of the St. Benedict Cross are given affordable financing terms of their choice.   We will set up an account  to bill you per our agreement.  Thus, no one who wants to have this cross will be denied (We apologize that we do not have the resources to make this available outside the United States).  













2 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    so excited and happy when this came in the mail!

    Posted by Unknown on 17th Apr 2015

    I love this crucifix! It is very handsome looking, unique and finely crafted. I feel very well protected with it hanging on my wall!

  • 5
    Stunning St. Benedict Crucifix

    Posted by Elsa Plug on 4th Apr 2015

    This purchase is exceptionally beautiful, unique and very well crafted.